Saturday, January 28, 2012

Apologies and an Update

Hello everyone
I apologize for my absence.  The Internet on site has not been as good as I remember and I've been horribly backlogged with artifact tags (which is a good thing) ...but today we got DSL installed and I got caught up on all my field work stuff.  I am going to try and write a new blog about how things have been since I've gotten back to Abydos tomorrow, for now I just want to say that I'm doing very well, field work is going very well, although I have made a few mistakes it's just a bit of a learning curve as I get used to how things work here, and its fairly difficult to manage a group of people when you don't speak their language and they don't speak your language (its amazing though how drawing a line in the sand, pointing and saying "Remove only ten centimeters" in Arabic can get you what you want).  I'm getting along very well with the people here and the food is just as good (and bad as I remember). 

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